Patrick BAUDUIN has been awarded the Grand Prix d’Auteur 2020 by the Fédération photographique de France (FPF). He is an author-photographer from Arras who defines himself as autodidact. He works on two types of “territory”: the city and its environment and the human being. He is a member of the Incarnat collective and Artois Flandre photos who defines his photographic practice as an artistic documentary vision that seeks “the extraordinary in the ordinary”. Patrick BAUDUIN regularly participates in exhibitions and projects in his region of Hauts de France.

Régis RAPNOUX is a member of the Paris Val de Bièvre Photo Club since 2001. Passionate about photography, he likes to use techniques such as polaroid transfer, the use of prisms and filters. He likes to play with his models, making them converse with different objects. These interactions generate new ideas that renew his visual imagination. Régis RAPNOUX has obtained the title of Excellence from the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP).

Ana SARTORI is a professional photographer who lives and works in France. Born in Brazil, with Italian origins, her work questions identity, its fragments and its invisible traces. She is an independent curator in the field of visual arts, she leads different workshops of photographic creation and accompanies several artists in their work.
Ana SARTORI is a transdisciplinary artist who plays with transversality in her plastic work by using different techniques: photography of course, but also printmaking, engraving, embroidery, weaving, drawing and writing.
Gold medalist in 2022 of the photographic federation of France, she was recipient of the Dissonances prize in 2018 and Joop Stoop in 2014. Ana SARTORI is also very involved in the associative life. She is president of the French National Council of Plastic Arts (CNFFAP) and a member of the Taylor Foundation, an institution working to defend artists.