Betty PANAJOL Originally from Dordogne, Betty moved to Paris to study interior design. After several years of practicing painting, she became interested in photographic art quite recently (10 years). Completely self-taught, she joined the St-Lazare Photo-Club in Paris in 2016 where she learned the essential basics. In 2018, she joined the Dominos Photo-Club still in […]
Author: commissaire
The 2023 Jury
Patrick BAUDUIN Patrick BAUDUIN has been awarded the Grand Prix d’Auteur 2020 by the Fédération photographique de France (FPF). He is an author-photographer from Arras who defines himself as autodidact. He works on two types of “territory”: the city and its environment and the human being. He is a member of the Incarnat collective and […]
Entry rules 2023
The 16th Salon Daguerre exhibition, hereafter named “Salon Daguerre” or “Exhibition”, is organized by: The competition is open to anyone: non-professional and professional photographers aged 18 or more. The competition is in digital images and includes 5 sections: Entries are limited to 4 images per author and per section, ie a maximum number per author […]
Salon Daguerre 2023

The 16th Salon Daguerre, an international digital photography competition, is getting ready and the whole team is already looking forward to your images. The last Salon Daguerre allowed us to receive nearly 4500 images, coming from 38 countries, with a very beautiful photographic diversity.The Daguerre Salon is open to all photographers, amateur or professional, aged […]